Our Goals/Strategies

The United Way of Moore County, NC would like to continue to attract and solicit the participation of the best service providers as potential grantees to ensure the widest possible pool of programs and services addressing important community needs.

Mission Statement: Working to advance the common good of the lives in our communities.


To advance the common good by focusing on the building blocks for a good life in our communities:

  • a quality education that leads to a stable job
  • sustained financial independence
  • and good health
GuideStar GOLD Seal of Transparency

Core Beliefs


Engage People

Through fundraising, we engage people in community issues and help to provide resources that result in positive change.


Improve Community

Guided by community needs assessment, we connect with partners to meet local human needs.


Enhance Capacity

We must ensure adequate resources and capacity to complete daily work and meet strategic needs.

Strategic Plan for the United Way of Moore County, NC

GIVE – Engage people

United Way of Moore County, through fundraising, engages people in community issues and helps to provide resources that result in positive change. United Way of Moore County, NC must ensure adequate resources and capacity to complete daily work and meet strategic needs.

Goal: Enhance the community’s understanding of United Way of Moore County’s impact on the community.

Strategies to Reach Goal:

  • Establish a marketing/public relations committee.
  • Develop a communication and marketing plan.
  • Monthly news releases or success story to the media.
  • Develop a mechanism for measuring the effectiveness of the plans.
  • Quarterly communications to Leadership Givers, Partners, and campaign leaders with goal of broadening donor base and creating greater understanding of United Way.
  • Conduct “Community Perception” surveys as deemed appropriate.

Measure of Success: Achievement of the strategies for this goal.

Goal: Increase the existing donor base.

Strategies to Reach Goal:

  • Increase number of businesses with employee workplace campaigns: Improve database of prospective employers. Develop solicitation for business community. Contact all businesses.
  • Increase the number of Leadership Givers.

Measure of Success: Annual campaign goal achievement.

Goal: Implement and promote a Legacy Giving Program for the United Way of Moore County, NC.

Strategies to Reach Goal:

  • Identify financial planners in the community and present the United Way of Moore County Legacy Giving Program option.
  • Present the program to a minimum of six identified planners.
  • Increase fund to $3,000,000 by 2025.

Measure of Success: Establishment of Legacy Giving Program by February 1, 2013.

ADVOCATE – Improve Community

United Way of Moore County, guided by community needs assessment, connects with partners to meet local human needs.

Goal: Identify community needs and the agency/agencies that would best accommodate the need.

Strategies to Reach Goal:

  • Advocacy of 2-1-1 Information and Referral Program.
  • Establish an annual forum to include, but not limited to, current United Way of Moore County, NC partner agencies.

Measures of Success: Annual forum established.

VOLUNTEER – Enhance Capacity

United Way of Moore County, NC must ensure adequate resources and capacity to complete daily work and meet strategic needs.

Goal: Develop and maintain a premier board, volunteers, and staff.

Strategies to Reach Goal:

  • Optimize use of each volunteer’s time and talent.
  • Develop written plan for board member recruitment.
  • Increase potential new board members from Leadership Givers.
  • Addition of an estate attorney to the board of directors.
  • Conduct Board Inventory Survey: survey/analysis of board membership.
  • Continue to improve the ratio of program funding versus administrative costs.
  • Assess the need for additional paid staff to meet strategic needs for United Way of Moore County, NC.

Measures of Success: 80% group attendance of all board meetings. 90% individual attendance at board meetings with the exception of excused absences. 100% board member participation in annual giving campaign. Ninety cents of every dollar going to partner support. Increase number of Leadership Givers to 100 by 2014. Add one new board member each year from Leadership Giver category.